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Ką mums šiandien reiškia lietuvių kalba? Pamąstykime...

Atraskime Lietuvą (
Tema sukurta:  2014-04-12
Paskutinis atsiliepimas:  2022-09-19
Atsiliepimų skaičius:  7

Vaidas ( 2022-09-19 17:48
Reiškia tapatumą. Stengiuosi kuo labiau vengti visokiausių barbarizmų ir stebiuosi tokiais išradingais verslais kaip

Namiko ( 2015-05-03 16:00
I have a full grown male pitbull, his diet must be chegand he either has the runs or he has a VERY hard time doing the #2! I currently have him on Ol Roy high preformance yes I am NOW aware this is TERRIBLE food. I am a student I always make sure that I have enough money to get him not just the legal vacines that he must have but EVERY vacine recomened by my vet. I did not realize how much the food he eats can affect his health. Now I am worried about his diet! I am on a budget and now that I have done research about dog food after this bag is gone I will never BUY dog food again. I am trying to serch for recipes for homemade dog food and can't find anything that I want to use. I dont care how much time it takes to make it that isnt the issue. I need him to have all the vitamins, minerals ect everything that he should have but in a way that is affordable! I can afford to buy him multi vitamins but I can not afford to buy a bunch of different vitamins minerals that need to be in his diet. If anyone has a recipe for dog food that I wont need to buy all these extra things please share!!!! The vet said that because he has a hard time digesting things he is a dog that should have NO raw meet as it would make him sick or give him the runs.THANK YOU!!Jessica if you arent going to answer the question, move along.

Ian ( 2015-04-14 21:51
If you don't want to give him raw meat, you can prepare a home made dog food with cooekd meat. You need to make sure you have a mix of muscle meats with organ meats, with your organ meats (such as liver) being about 10%. I currently prepare a mix of chicken for my dogs: skinned boneless breast meat, whole thighs, gizzards, and liver. I boil them together, then pull out the meat and cut it into chunks. Avoid too high a percentage of liver it can cause diarrhea and could also build up vitamin A levels too high.You mention vitamins and minerals. The one essential mineral you must add to a home made diet is calcium. You can google for an answer to how much calcium to give, but the average that I have seen is approximately 900mg calcium to each pound of meat you give. Adding bone meal powder for the calcium content is a little controversial. Some people recommend ground eggshells, and some recommend adding some occasional yogurt. I'm about to try a seaweed based calcium (see link below). If you want to give additional vitamins, you can buy a bottle of dog vitamins, crush up his serving and mix it in his food.Dogs do not need carbs, but a lot of websites that talk about home made dog food recommend adding carbs, to include white rice, oatmeal, leafy greens, green beans, and some varieties of fruit. Adding carbs is not essential, and is usually done to keep costs down (rice if much cheaper than meat and create more obvious filling). I add a small amount of veggies to my mix, mostly to add a little bit of fiber to keep the stools in good shape and avoid constipation. Be careful with adding veggies: some (to include onion and nightshade veggies) are toxic to dogs.Switching to a high meat-based diet can cause some runny stools to start, but after a few days he should adapt fine and develop normal stools.And there will be plenty of people who recommend to just buy a quality commercial dog food. That is much harder to do than it sounds. You are almost certainly not going to find a quality dog food in grocery stores. My local grocers (Kroger, Food Lion, WalMart) carry only junk pet food, and I can't bring myself to buy any of it. Want some unbiased ratings of commergial dog foods? Go the the Dog Food Advisor website. Lots of useful information there.

Julija ( 2014-04-27 16:11
Lietuvių kalba yra mūsų Lietuvos paveldas, todėl svarbu ją tausoti, neiškraipyti, branginti. Juk čia mes gimėm, čia gyvenam ir tiesiog nepamirškim, kad čia mūsų protėviai, mūsų žemė, taip kad nepamirškime tausoti lietuvių kalbos.

Vilius ir Vitalijus ( 2014-04-25 10:22
Lietuvių kalba šiandien yra viena iš seniausių kalbų pasaulyje.Taigi mums reikėtų gerbti ir tausoti mūsų brangią kalbą, o ne niekinti ir iškraipyti.Tiesa,mūsų kalba yra labai turitinga nuostabiais žodžiais.
Mums ji "GRAŽIAUSIA"!!:)

Monika ( 2014-04-23 21:38
Savo žodynu mūsų kalba yra labai turtinga. Ji ne tik labai sena, bet ir sudėtinga savo gramatika. Man ji yra labai svarbi, nes tai yra mano gimtoji kalba ir aš Lietuvoje užaugau ir išgirdau gražiausius lietuviškus žodžius kaip Saulė, Mama, Šeima, Laisvė, Meilė ir t.t. Ir lietuvių kalbą aš saugosiu ir branginsiu, nes ji tokia VIENINTELĖ.

Marta ( 2014-04-22 13:55
Tai reiškia, kad mes esame atskira šalis, kuri turi savo kalbą, papročius, istoriją...taip pat lietuvių kalba yra labai daug iškentėjusi. Juk Lietuvą buvo užėmę ir Vokiečiai, ir Rusai, ir Lenkai, tačiau ji atsilaikė (žinoma su mūsų pagalba). Taigi branginkime lietuvių kalbą ir gerbkime ją, nes ji yra daug iškentėjusi.


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